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U Alfred a:c !ct|k:c(c) (4)
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U, Alfred
U, Alfred George Farquhar
U, WiUiam Alfred
U, Charles Alfred Emmanuel
Author: U (Alfred)
c& LELV&U (Alfred). Lea Murailles rvolutionnaires. Collection cotnplte des professions d foi, affiches, dcrets, bulletins de la republique, faa—simile de signatures. (Paris et les,depart,ewents),2. Edited b4y A.De].vau.] (14e edition.) 2 dais. 0 4 . ParIs, 1852. The pagination oi the two volumes is continuous.
Card ID: 326
Author: U (Alfred George Farquhar)
DePos iTZ( 1111U (Alfred George Farquhar). WRIGHT (Alfred), M.D. Adventures in Servia; or, the Experiences of a medical free lance among the Bashi— &tzouks..,Edited by A. G. Farquhar—Bernard, etc. London, 1884.
Card ID: 443
Author: U (WiUiam Alfred)
DVefe Dut tU (WiUiam Alfred). li1d life in East kiglia...With...il1atrations F.Southgate. pp. x. + 370. Bibliography. 8°. London, 1906.
Card ID: 459
Author: U (Charles Alfred Emmanuel)
ROCHEDflU (Charles Alfred Emmanuel). See CHAPEL HILL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. 16. Six historical poems of Geifrol de Paris, written in 1314-1318...and translated into English by W.H. Storer and C.A.Rochedieu. Cpe1 Hill, 1950.
Card ID: 281