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TZ Jerome Raymond a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (1)
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TZ, Jerome Raymond
Author: TZ (Jerome Raymond)
BK Fou RAVgTZ (Jerome Raymond). See FWRIER (Jean tiste Joseph), ron. [Su.r la PropagatIon do la Chaleur.] Joseph Fourier: a survey of his life and Tdol.iç, basec3. on a critical edition of his monograph on the propagation of heat, presented to the Institut cle France in jeo’. [$u1,sequently reworked into book form ix-. i822 vith the tItle tmjorie ens ly-tiq.ue do l.a cheleur’. y] I. Grettan—Guinness in collaboration with J.R. Ravetz. Ouu’oridgc, Miss., and London, 1972.
Card ID: 605