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TWYNE Thomas a:e |k:e (or) (3)



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    Author: TWYNE (Thomas)


    C•] I-jJ 1••* TWYNE (Thomas). The Garlande of godlie flowers, bewtifully adorned as most freshly they flourish in the gardeins of...Christian writers... Caiefui1y -collected & iIigentIie digested into order by T. Twynne, gentlenan. Newlie corrected and augmented. pp. (220). . [D.—L.L.] i6°. [Peter Short by the assigns of William Seres London, 1596]. erfect wanting the tit1e—pag. A MS. facsimile of the title-page of the 1574 edition has been tipped in.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: TWYNE (Thomas)


    BcM1-IAU L1J!AHY REFERCE O’U-Y’ - 6 TWYNE (Thomas). A Shorte and pithie discourse, concerning the engendring, tokens, and effects of all earthquakes in generall: particularly applyed. and conferred with that most strange and terrible worke of the Lord in shaking the earth, not only within the Citie of London but also in most partes of all Englande: which hapned. . . in.. .1580. Written by T.I. [i.e. Thomas Twyne], etc. London, 1580. See T., T.

    Card ID: 362

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    Author: TWYNE (Thomas)


    XL-’ TWYNE (Thomas), ‘IEGIUS (Maph:eus),, Laudenis. Mphaéus Vegius and hi thirteenth book of the Aeneid: e chapter on Virgil in the Renaissance, by A.C.Brinton, [with the text, an English trnslut— ion by T.Twyne, a Scotch translation by G.Douglas and a bibliography.] Stanford and London, 1930.

    Card ID: 364