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TURNER Walter James’ Redfern walter (james) (9)
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TURNER, Walter James Redfern
TURNER, Walter James’ Redfern
No Author available
Author: TURNER (Walter James Redfern)
(p) i TURNER (Walter James Redfern). Musical meanderings. pp. vi, + (2) + 206. 8°. London, 1928.
Card ID: 563
- TURNER (Walter James Redfern). Wagner. (Great Lives, 3.) pp. 143. 8°. London, 1933.
Card ID: 567
Author: TURNER (Walter James’ Redfern)
c - TURNER (Walter James’ Redfern). Mozart: the man and his works. [With a bibliography.} pp. 391. Portralt,s and facsimiles. London, 1938.
Card ID: 560
—s-u ‘ TURNER (Walter James Redfern). The Englishman’s country. Introduction by E.I3lunden. Edited by W.J.Turner. (Second impression.) (Britain in Pictures.) pp. 318. Plates and illustrations. 8°. London, 194. Contents English villages. By E.Blu.nden. English country houses. By V.Sackvifle—Weat. English cities and small tcwns. By J.Betjeman. British ports and harbours. By L.Walmsley. English gardens. By H.floberts. English inns. By T.Burke. The plates are included in the pagination.
Card ID: 556
Author: No Author available
fr’. .L. (P) / 5 TURNER (Walter James Redfern). uiusic and lIfe. pp. xxvjjj. + (2) + 215. &D.kondon, 1921.
Card ID: 561
‘° TURNER (Walter James Redfern.. English music.. .With. . .plates. . .and illustration (Britain in pictures.) pp. 47 + (1). 8o. Lond, 1941. [Anìother copy.] 3PcslID
Card ID: 555
“P T7c. TURNER (Walter James Redfern). Fables, parable arid plots: revolutionary,4tories for the young and old. pp. 120. 8. London, 1943.
Card ID: 558
GOi).. .t-yr TURNER (Walter James Redfern). Berlioz: the man and his work. [With bibliographies.) (TIie Aldine Lbraiy.No.1 7.) pp. viii. + 374 + (. Portraits and facsimiles. 0 8 . [London], 1939.
Card ID: 553
1- 7 F-. TURNER (Walter James Redfern). Seven sciagraphical poems, etc. pp. 15. 80. [Londonj,privately printed, 1929. Edition limited to 65 cçpies printed atthe Curwen Press for the members of the Double Crown Club. The menu of the 21st dinner o± the Double crown Cluk, 21st March, 199, at which T. Sturpe Moore was the speaker, is inse±’ted.
Card ID: 564