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TRUSLER John a:j john|k:to (john) (5)



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    Author: TRUSLER (John)


    Tv TRUSLER (John). The Habitable world described; or, the present state of the people in all parts of the globe, from north to south. Shewing the aituation.,.of the different kingdoms and states...together with the genius,manners, customs,..&o. of the inhabitants, etc. 20 vols9 Portrait, plates, illustrations, plans and folédmaps. London, 1788—97. Vols. 1—18 each have a second, engraved, title— page. 1. GreenlLnd, ““ Coast, Iceland, Lapland Norway. [SEE NEXT CA.RDJ

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: TRUSLER (John)


    2 TRUSLER (John). The Habitable world described, etc. [Continuej. 2—4. Sibèria.ändTartary. 5. Account of the Tungusians, Kamtschatka, ICoraiks and Tschouicteches, Kurilians, Eutern Islands, Schaiane religion, Little Russia, China. 6. China, North America, Sweden. 7. Sweden, Denmark, North Aierica, California, Persia. 8. Persia, Poland, Prussia, Bohemia, Silesia, Hungary. 9. Hungary, Germany, Austria, Saxony, Upper Rhine, Lower Rhine. [SEE NEXT CARD].

    Card ID: 356

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    Author: TRUSLER (John)


    TRUSLER (John). The Habitable world described; etc. [ccntjrtuedj 10. Lower Rhine, Suabia, Westphalia, Burgundy United Netherlands. 11. United Netherlands, Turkey in Europe. 12.i.13. Turkey in Europe. 14. Turkey in Asia, Egypt. 15. Egypt, Arabia,Italy, Naples. 16. Naples, Sicily, Malta, Ecclesiastical Territories. 17. Ecclesiastical Territories, Italy, VeDetin Territories, Venetian Dalmatia, Sardinian States. ‘18. Sardinian States, Italy, Switzerland. I SEE NEXT CARD j.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: TRUSLER (John)


    TRUSLER (John). The flaitab1e world described; etc. [continued.) 19. Switzerland, Corsioa Spain. 20. Spain, Portugal.

    Card ID: 358

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    Author: TRUSLER (John)


    TRUSLER (John). See SPJHOP (P. D.), 4th Earl of Cheterfie1. Principles of politeness and. of knowing the wor].d....With additions br J rus1er...The fifth edition. London, 1775.

    Card ID: 364