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TRUE Frederick William a:c william|k:c(c) (7)
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TRUE, Frederick William
TRUE, Frederick WillIam
Author: TRUE (Frederick William)
DEPO8flQJiy TRUE (Frederick William). An Account of the beaked whales of the family Ziphiid in the collection of the United States National Museum, with remarks on some specimens in other American museums. Washinton, 1910. WASHINGTON (CoLuMBIA). United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 73.
Card ID: 213
TRUE (Frederick William). Catalogue of the aquatic marmals exhibited by tb.e United States National Museum. Washing 1q84. See WASHINTON (CoLtmrl3IA). United States National Museum. Bulletin, of the United States National Museum. 27. Iescriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the United States to the International Fisheries Exhibition, .g. H.
Card ID: 214
TRUE (Frederick William). Contributions to the natural history of the cetaceans: a reyiew of the family Delphinid, etc. Washington, 1889. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). tTnite_. National Museum. Bulletin of the United states National Museuta. 36.
Card ID: 215
TRUE (Frederick William). Diagnosis of a new genus and species of fossil sea—lion from the Miocene of Oregon. [Wshiton, 1905.] c WASHINGTON (COLuiIA) Smithsonian Insti1ution. Smithsonian mis cellaneous collections. Vol.48. No.1577.
Card ID: 217
TRUE (Frederick William). A Fossil toothed oetaoean from California, representing a new genus and species: v’ith two plates. - Washingt 1912. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miso ollaneous Cofleo tions, Vol. 60. No. 2151. r
Card ID: 218
TRUE (Frederick William). The Genera o ossi1 whalebone, whales allied to ba1noptera. Washington, 1912. WAS-IINGTON (COLT3MBTA). Stnithsoalan Tnstitution., Smithsoniu.n Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 59. No. 2081.
Card ID: 219
Author: TRUE (Frederick WillIam)
TRUE (Frederick WillIam). Remarks on the type of the tossil cetaoean agorophius pygmeus (Muller). Washington, 1907. See WASHINGTON ( OOLtTh4BIA) Smithsoniah Institution. .LI. -.
Card ID: 221