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TREVOR John a:de john|k:to (john) (7)
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BLOUNT, Trevor John
HAMPDEN, John Trevor
HAYES, John Trevor
IJART, John Trevor
WRIGHT, John Trevor
HAWORTH, John Trevor end VEAL, Anthcriy James
Author: TREVOR (John)
TREVOR (John), i32.f St. Asaip. Llyfr arfau, by J. Trevor, arid English trans— lation. - Tractatus de arrnis, by Johannes de Bado Aureo [here identified with J. Trevor]. — Tretis on armes by John (Vade) [here identified with J. Trevor]. JONES (E.J.) Medieval heraldry: some fourteenth century heraldic works. E. J. Jones, etc. Cardiff, 1943.
Card ID: 483
Author: BLOUNT (Trevor John)
BLOUNT (Trevor John). An Investigation of materia].s arid method in Dickens’s “Bleak House”. [Yith a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of bI.A.of the University of London in 1962.) 468 leaves. Facsimile. 4°. 1962.
Card ID: 313
Author: HAMPDEN (John Trevor)
HAMPDEN (John Trevor), 3rd Viscount Bampden. See 1’RVOR, afterwards ThEVOR W.NPDEN (J’hn), 3rd Viecount Harnpden.
Card ID: 222
Author: HAYES (John Trevor)
tL PLD, jC)b2 HAYES (John Trevor). The Landscape paintings of Thomas Gainsborough. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1962.] (1) + 552 leaves. 40 1962.
Card ID: 143
Author: IJART (John Trevor)
PR CN - ImperialJ SiIJART (John Trevor). Hydrodyriwnic stability of fluid flows...Inaugural lecture ae Professor of Theoretical 1’luid Mechanics. In: L0N!0N. CIII.] University of London. .[mperial College of Science and Technology. Inaugural lectures, 1966—67 and 1967—68. pp. 109 130. London,1970.
Card ID: 524
Author: WRIGHT (John Trevor)
/1vocrc (Li O Atk WRIGHT (John Trevor). Studies in the linguistic geography of Somerset, etc. [Thesis: - University of Leeds. With a bibliography. j pp • xxviii. 432. Maps, diagrams and tables. 8. Leeds, 1957. Microcard copy on 13 cards.
Card ID: 299
Author: HAWORTH (John Trevor) end VEAL (Anthcriy James)
tqj Lei HAWORTH (John Trevor) end VEAL (Anthcriy James). Leisure end the ccamunity: conferce proc eedinecs. Papers fran a conferaice held by the Leisure Studies Association at Bizminghn University on ...lOth and...llth Decnber, 1976. Edited by J.T. Haworth d A.J. V1. Binnin,ham, [1976]. See ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Leisure Studies Associ atic.
Card ID: 391