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TOTT François de a:on françois|k:on (françois) (3)
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TOTT, François de
CROFT, Thomas
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Author: TOTT (François de)
C• SCTot] TOTT (François de), Bar. - M4moires du Baron de Tott, sur les Tures et. les Tartares. [Continued.] [Another edition.] 2 vols. Folded plates. [G.G.J 4°. Ams.terdair, 1785. Impç wanting he half—title anti Piate V of Vol. 1..
Card ID: 495
Author: CROFT (Thomas)
(rt 3 HOIiCROFT (Thomas). TOTT (François de), Baron. Memoirs of Baron de Tott, containing the state of the Turkish Empire and the Crimea, during the late war with Russia. Witn...observations on the manners and customs of the Turks and Tartara. Translated from the French Lby Thomas HoloroftJ London, 1785.
Card ID: 369
Author: No Author available
CrCTott. I. TOTT (François de), Baron. Miuoires dii Baron de Tott sur les Tures et les Tartares. 4 voJ.s. [ 8°. Amsterthni, 1784. IerCt; wEting the half—tit1e. [Another edition.) 4 parts in 1 vol. {L.I.J 8°. Amsterdam, 1785. [Another edition.] 4 parts in 1 vol. [S.R.] 8°. Hamburg, 1785. wanting the last leaf of the indexwhich ajpears to have been inall coies of this edition. [SEE NEXT CMU).]
Card ID: 494