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TON, Sir Isaac
TON, sir Isaac
Author: TON (Sir Isaac)
1iTON (Sir Isaac). [Two or More Works.J Representations of Sir Isaac Newton on the subject of money. 1712-1717. McCULLOCH (John R.) A Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money, pp. 267-279. London, 1856. [See next card,]
Card ID: 164
Author: TON (sir Isaac)
NE?vTON (Sir Isaac). [Method of Fluxions.] La. M&thoôe des fluxions, et des suites infinies. [Translated by GL.Le Clero, Count de Buffon] pp. xxx. + (4) * 148. Diagrams and tables. [DeM.] 0 4 . Paris, 1740.
Card ID: 193
STERL11 LIBRARY — RE7EICE ONLY NEV1TON (Sir Isaac). [Principia.] Phi1o.sophi naturalis principia mathematica, etc. pp0 (8) + 510 [or rather 49J. Digrams, tables and folded ilate. 40 Jussu Societatis Regis ac tyois J, Streater0 Prostat apud plures bibliopolas: London, 1687. First edition, first issue. The numbers bLc were omitted from the pginat ion. A leaf of errata is inserted between Ooo3 D.nd Ooo4 (a blank). [SiDE flEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 207
° NE?1TON (Sir Isaac). [Principia.] Thi1osophia naturalis pxincipia mathematica, etc LContinued.J Editio secunda auctior et emendatior. [Edited by R.Cotes,] pp. (28) + 84 + (8). tables and foied plate. [De M.] 40.• Carnbridgç, 1713. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 210
NiTON (Sir Isaac). [Principia. — See WHEWELL (w,), iaster oi Trinit3 College, Camtricige. Newton and Flanisteed, etc. Cambrid4ze apd Lonc1on. 1836. —— Second edition, etc. Cambri4g and Londp, 1836.
Card ID: 235
B4 NE’I NEnTON (Sir Isaac). lAppendix.) MORE (LouisT.) Isaac Newton, t.c. New York and. London, 1934.
Card ID: 297