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TK George george (george) (6)
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TK, George
MILLAR, Eric George
GOWER, Granville George - Leveson
No Author available
Author: TK (George)
CRUIKSIA}TK (George), th Elder. See JERROLD(W. 3.) The Life of George Oruikshank, etc. l382. A new edition, etc. London, 1883.
Card ID: 338
Author: MILLAR (Eric George)
MILLAR (Eric George). k tk English illuminated manuscripts frem the Xth to the XIIIth century. pp. xii. + 145 + 100 plates. fri. Paris and Brussels, 1926.
Card ID: 305
Author: GOWER (Granville George - Leveson)
- Jj GOWER (Granville George - Leveson), Tk-e Political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone andLod Grànville, 1868—1876. A.Ran’.rn. London, .1952. See LONDON. f III.] ROyal Historical Society. Camden series, 81, 82.
Card ID: 17
Author: No Author available
f’i ‘1 tk AUGUSTA SOPHIA, Princess, Daughter of George UI. King of treat Britain and Ireland. See STUART (DJM.) The Daughters of George III. London, 1939.
Card ID: 81
P tK - Nebraskal LINCOLN (NEBRASJOQ. Univereity of Tebraaka. Tea.cbers College. Contributions to education. Education and econcmic deve1cznent. ([By] George Z . F. Bereday.) pp. 31. (Lincoln, Neb.), 1970.
Card ID: 325
r:r •. tk -. VILLIEBS (George), 2i1d Dukof Buckinghanl. The ehearsa1: a coniedy...Adapted for theatrical represeiztation, as originally performed at the Theare-Roya1, Driry— Lane...To which is added a key, or critical. view of the authors, and their writings, exposed in this play, etc. pp. 120 + (2). Plates. 12°. London, 1796. Bound in a volume lettered:. British Theatre. 55
Card ID: 42