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TITE William a:are william|k:it (william) (3)
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TITE, William
RANKING, William ±{arcourt
E, William Julius
Author: TITE (William)
TITE (William). Letters seleoted irom the oolleotion of autogi’phs in thepossession of William Tite. pp. 27. [LdonL 1864. See LONDQ. [IlL Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, .J Camden Society. [Publications.) Old Series. 87. The Camden Misoellary Vol. V.
Card ID: 268
Author: RANKING (William ±{arcourt)
DEPOSITORY RANKING (William ±{arcourt). - HALF-YEARLY ABSTRACT OF TItE MEDICAL SCIENCES.j -- - The Half—yearly ab3traot of the medical sciences...Eclited by W. H. Ranking, etc. - London, 1845—57.
Card ID: 254
Author: E (William Julius)
MICKI4E (William Julius), anirof “The Lusiad”. The Poetical works of Willia.m Llickle. With the life of the author, . (Cooke’s Editign Sject_British Poets.) pp. 155 + (1). Ptrait. ts.n.1 12°. London, [17991. with two additional tite-ages, one of which .s ngrved. Boiid in a voluiue lettered :_tça yørks •Q rani1 3. .
Card ID: 381