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TISSERANT Eugne a:e un|k:e (or) (3)



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    Author: TISSERANT (Eugne)


    TISSERANT (Eugne), Cardina1. Eastern Christianity in India: Syro—Malabar Church from the the present day...Authorized the French by E.R. Hambye. graphy.] pp. xviii. + 266. and maps. a history of the earliest time to adaptation from [With a biblio— Portraits. plates 8°. koxdon, 1957.

    Card ID: 216

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    Author: TISSERANT (Eugne)


    fsJcc2 Tisserant Pa1ographY Rocm TISSERANT (Eugne), Cardinal. Melanges Eugene TisserazLt. (With a. list at’ his published works (Studi e Testi, 21_237.) 7 vole. Portrait, plates, illustrations facsimiles. maps plan an4 tables, 80. Vatican City, l96. 1. Ecriture sainte. Ancien orient. 2. Orient cbrtien. Part 1. 3. Orient cbrtien. Part 2. l. Archives Vaticanes. Histoire ecclsIastique:. Part 1. 5. Archives Vaticanes. Ristoire ecclsiaetique. Part. 2. 6. Bib1iothque Vaticane. Part 1. 7. Bibliothque Vaticane. Part 2.

    Card ID: 217

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    Author: TISSERANT (Eugne)


    - - TISSERANT (Eugne), Cardinal. Recueil Cardinal Eugene Tisserant “Ab oriente et occidente”. [A-collection o1 his essays.) (Avec bibliographie et notices sur son activité scientifique et pastorale.) Publi par S.Pop, avec la collaboration de G.Levi della Vida, G.Garitte et O.Br1ea. (vaux nubliés_oar leCer3tre Intern.ationa1 d.e D1 a1e t_o] gta QraraJ e p r s 1 ‘Un iviirs I t. Catholigue de Louvai, 1-2.) 2 vols. Portrajts, .ates and facsimiles. 8°. Louvai, [1956].

    Card ID: 218