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TINBERGEN Jan a:h john|k:to (john) (8)
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Author: TINBERGEN (Jan)
cs- z— A TINBERGEN (Jan). Business cycles in the United Kingdom, i87O 1914. Amsterdam, 1951. See AMSTERDAA. Koninklijke_Akademie van Weten schappen . Verhandelingen. .Ardeeling letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks, 57iv.
Card ID: 552
DEPOSIyQ TINBERGEN (Jan). Centralization and decentralization in economic policy. (Contzibutions to Economic Analysis, 6.) pp. () + 80. Diagrams. 0 8 . Amsterdam, 195+.
Card ID: 553
TINBERGEN (Jan). Contributions to economic analysis. IContinued. I 9. An Econometric model of the United States 1929 —1952. By L.R.Klein and A.S.Goldborger. 1955. —--— 10. Economic policy: principles and ‘iesjgn.Tt J3r J Tinbergen. 1956. 11’l i-c7 - 11. The LJriite Sat’es capital position and the structure of its foreign .trade. By “. S M.A.Diab. 1956. DEPOS!TORV 12. A Short term planning model for India. By N.V.A.Narasjirtharn. 1956. [SEE N(T CARD.]
Card ID: 554
TINBERGEN (Jan). Contributions to economic analysis. [Qoitinued.) 33. PITCIIFORD (John D.) A Study of cost and demand inflation. 1963. 3. CORREA (H.) The Economics of human TCA resources. 1963. 5. BOON (Gerard K.) Economic choice of human and physical factors in production. 1964. -‘‘1 [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 559
TINBERGEN (Jan). Contributions to economic analysis. [Continued.J 39. GH0E (A.) Efficiency in location and inter—regional flows: the Indian cement° industry during the five year p1ans 1950—1959. By A.Ghosh, assisted by R. Dhar. 1965. 1+O OURY (B.) A roduct$’n’mode1 for wheat arid feedgrains in rance, 19t6—195i. 1966. )1. DEAN (Edwin R.) The Supply respons of African farmers: theory and measurement in Malawi. 1966. [SEE NEXT CRD. J
Card ID: 560
TINBERGEN (Jan). Econometrics...Translated from the Dutch by H.Riäken van 01St, Lwith a bibliography.] pp. xii. + 25i. Diagrams, brts and tab1es. 8°. London [U.5A. printed}, 1953.
Card ID: 568
T1F TINBERGEN (Jan). Economic policy: principles and design. IWith a bibliography.) (Contributions to Ecnoniic Analysis, 10.) pp. xxviii. + 276. ab1es. 8°. Amsterdam 1956.
Card ID: 569
T7 Tir TINBERGEN (Jan). Selected papers. Edited by L.H.Klaassen, L.M.Koijck and H.J.Witteveen. [with a bibliography of Tinbergen’s works.] pp. xii. ÷ 318. Portraits, charts and tables. 8°. Amsterdam, 1959.
Card ID: 571