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TILTON Eva Maude tilton (eva maude) (3)
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TILTON, Eva Maude
Author: TILTON (Eva Maude)
TILTON (Eva Maude). A Union list of publications in opacjue microforms. [Continued.] —1961 supplement. pp. viii. + 235. 8°. New York, 1961.
Card ID: 348
IICFOFlt CC,’ TILTON (Eva Maude). Microcards: a brief survey of their development and a union list of research materials in opaque microtext. A thesis submitted to. the Graduate Council of Kent State University for the degree of 4aster of Arts. (With a bibliography.] pp. iv. + 307. 1957. Positive microfilm copy of typewritten Qrji)l?i.
Card ID: 346
TILTON (Eva Maude). A Union list of publications in opaclue microforrns. Compiled by E.M.ilton. pp. 346. 8°. New York, 1959. This work is a revision of the list appen4ed to the author’s thei “Mfàrooards: a brief survey of their developrnent. etc.”, the whole of which is available in this library on orofi Mic .Pf2O6 [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 347