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TIE William John to (john) (5)
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TIE, William John
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Author: TIE (William John)
M VVC LQJ LO1TIE (William John), Inand oit of London; or,theHalf—holidY ofa town clérk...Etevised and orreoted, etc. pp. 251. Plates and illustrations. 8°, London, [1875].
Card ID: 11
Author: No Author available
B758a I..OCIC (John) and DIXON (William Thomas) , _____ A ?n of sorrow: the life, the Rev. Patrick Bronte, and W.P.Dixon. Foreword York. pp. xiv. + 66. plates and. facsimiles. letters and times of 1777-1861. By J.Lock by tie Archbishop of Bibliography, portraits, 80. [London), 1965.
Card ID: 426
‘/ I LL.. SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works attributed to Shakespeare — Sir John Oldcastie.J The First part...of the lite o Sir 3oThn Old— ca s tie, I ued. J 3 {Anotir copy.) Mcd. i [Another copy.1 S5.7i %I4 ;c,i
Card ID: 283
c-&9b [DM1 IS-4• Reference only wiwswu (John), Editor of Dod’s Sermons. See DOD (Join). Foure godlie and frti.tfull sermons: two preached at Drsiton in Oxfordshire, at a fast, enloyned by authority, by occasion of tie pestilence then dangerously dispersed. Likewise, two other sermons on the twelfth Psalme, whereunto is annexed a briefe tract of zeele. By I.Dod, R. Cleauer. [With a dedicatory epistle by J.Winston.] Printed by Williaii Hail for William Weblie: London, i6io
Card ID: 479
STUDIES IN FRLNCH LITERATURE. Studies in French literature. (Continued.] Mouton Co.: The Hague and Paris. crc Ccntfgtfl4 cfl4L06ctJ 16. BUTLER (John Davis). Jean Moreas: a critique of his poetry and ohilosophy. 1967. SCC CanPulflZ Cfl4LCctY 17. BRESKY (Dushan). The Art of Anutole France. 1969. 5W Pc4fllE coPuoCaf iS.. PERRY (Kenneth i.) The Re].zgzous sytubolisifi ot Andre Gide. 1969. ça— co,$( C44?LDSCL9 19. MANKIN (Paul A.) Precious irony: the theqtre of Jean Giraudoux. 1971. SCC Co’,ALzfCk (i4’flltOdacf 20. STARR (William Thomas). Romain Rolland: one against all. A biography. 1971. 21. HAMLET—M7PZ (Mario). La Critique littêraire tie L.2-lk Lamartine. 1979. [sn NEAT CARD.]
Card ID: 335