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THOYRAS Paul de a:s j c|k:c(c) (2)



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    Author: THOYRAS (Paul de)


    ) I_Ict T- -q c -—J RAPIN-THOYRAS (Paul de). Acta Regia; or, an Account of the treaties, letters and instruments between the monarchs of England arid foreign powers, publish’d in Mr. Rymer’s Foedera...Translated Iby S. W’nat— ley] from the French of Id. Rapin, as publishi by M. LeClerc. With the heads of the kings arid queens...engra’ir’d by Mr. Vandergucht. 4 vols. 8°. cion, 1726—27.

    Card ID: 435

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    Author: THOYRAS (Paul de)


    Poteus Library IiAPIN—THOYRAS (Paul de). [Histoire d’Azagleterre. — ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Sovereigns. A Cursory view of arbitrary power at-. tempted by kings of England.. .from historical facts. [Consisting of instances of tyranny summarized from T1The History of Englandtt by Rapin-Tftyras, marginal page references to which are given.] Addressed to the mis—led people of England. [Londofl., c. i77O.J

    Card ID: 436