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THOU Jacques Auguste de a:p •|k:p (will) (9)



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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    S c c4j THOU (Jacques Auguste de), the Elder. CPhe History and Memoirs.) Jac.Augusti Thuani Historiarum sui temporis tomus prius (—sextus. Nic. P.igaltii de rebus Gailiae a fine J.A.Thuani lib. III. Vol. 7. Syioge scriptorum varii generis et arguinenti in qua plurim. de vita, moribus ...scriptis, farnilia, amicis, et inirnicis Thuani...continentur, 7 vols. Portrait. fol. London, 1753. Certain Dieces in the Sylloge are separately paged.

    Card ID: 227

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    q5-ot s—7 THOU (Jacques Auguste de), the Elder, EThe Histry and Memoirs. — French.] - Histoire de Monsieur de Thou des ohoses arrives de son tenips. Mise en frangois par P.Du Ryer. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1659. I

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    THOU (Jacques Auguste de) the Elder. [The History, ___a — 4dt a and Extracts . J Thuanue restitutus, etc. [Continued.] ?8—7 containing 19 lines of verse byJo,ph Soa1igr entitlecfl oaon in Curiwn Romanam.

    Card ID: 234

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    DEPOSITORY THOU (Jacques Auguste de). [The History and ?iiemoirs .—Append ix. ) See BESSIN (Picrre). Nominuin proprioram virorurn, mulierum, populoruin, &c. q.uw in yin illustria lacobi Augusti Thuani historiis leguntur index, etc. Geneva, 1634.

    Card ID: 237

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    )4CC Tho Dup THOU (Jacques Auguste de), tie Elder. [The Hi story and Memoirs. .4ppendlx, J See WPUY (Christophe). [Letters.] De Thou. and the ‘Index’: letters from Christophe Dupuy, 1603-1607 f to de Thou, concerning the ‘Historia sui temporis’ of 1609. Prench text, with introduction and. notes in English. Edited by] (Alfred Sonan). Geneva, 1972.

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    THOU (Jacques Auguste de), the Elder. The Miscellaneous remains of Cardinal Perron, President Thuanus,..Abi’idg’d, and done into English, London, 1707. See uv u ?ERRON (J.), Cardinal, successively Bishop.. of Evreux and ArchbishQp of Sens.

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    THOU (Jacques Auguste de) the Elder. CHASLES (V. E. P.) Essai sur la vie et, les dèuvres de Jacques—August1e de Thou. (Etudes .sur le seizième aicle en France, etc. pp.243—285.) Paris, [1848].

    Card ID: 241

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    THOU (Jacques Auguste de), the Elder. DUPUY (P.) and (J) Catalogvs Bibliotheow Thvan, etc. Paris, 1679.

    Card ID: 243

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    Author: THOU (Jacques Auguste de)


    LJ O_ç$ THOU (Jacques Auguste de), the Elder. ‘ MILLER (Sydney R. Christie—). [Catalogues of the library...which was sold by auction...between the years 1919 and 1927.) (Books from the library of J.A. de Thou, 1553—1617.) [Sold on 3rd and +th May 1920.) [London. 1920.]

    Card ID: 245