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THORP Robert on (robert) (3)
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THORP, Robert
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Author: THORP (Robert)
THORP (Robert), rcMeacon of Northumberland. iEWTO1 I. ). IPrincipia.- g1ih.) Mathematical principles o natural philosophy. . .Translated into English ...with a commentary by R. Thorp, etc. London, 1802.
Card ID: 112
Author: No Author available
ifr itSL- /T?i THOR? (Willard). See SPILLER (Robert Ernest). Literary history of the United States, etc. [Continued.J Fourth edition, revised. (Editors: Robert E.Spiller, Willard Thorp, Thomas H.Johnson, Henry Seidel Canby, Richard M.Ludwig, William B.Gibson.) New York and London, 1974.
Card ID: 118
EJ Usa UNITED SAT] OF AHERICA. [Con’ess. - Pemporary national Economic Committee.] Investigation of concentration of economic power... Monograph[sJ. [Continued.) 25. Recovery plans. ([By] Arthur Dahlberg, Hon. Robert G. Allen [and others].) 191+0. 26. Economic power and political pressures. (By Donald C. Blaisdell assisted by Jane Greverus.) 194. 27. The Structure of industry. By Willard L. Thorp, Walter F. Crowder, and associates. 191+1. 28. Study of legal reserve life insurance companies. ([By] Gerhard A. Gesell and Ernest 3. Howe.) 1941. aBA. Statement on life insurance. 1941. [S NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 104