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THORNTON John a:i i john|k:to (john) (7)
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THORNTON, John Leonard
THORNTON, Michael John
Author: THORNTON (John)
THORNTON (John), I,epenrtent LnLster,.of BLltertcay, I?gsx. MaxIns,anI aneotes for youth, on a varIety of’ Itportant and InterestIng subjeots...ThIr eItIon. pp.Ix. + (3) + I3. Fronttsptece. 120. LonIon, 1820.
Card ID: 30
Author: THORNTON (John Leonard)
Y THORNTON (John Leonard). CataloguIng In specIal lIbrarIes; a survey of methods etc. [WIth a bIblIograph,y. pp. xI. + I] 268. DIagrams. 80. London, 1938.
Card ID: 31
0277 f- Ij THORNTON (John Leonard). The Chronology of lIbrarIanshIp: an IntroductIon to the hIstory of lIbrarIes and book—collectIng... WIth an IntroductIon by E.A.Savage. [WIth a bIblIography.] pp. xI. + 254. 8°. London, 1941.
Card ID: 32
-j ) 77Iq THORNTON (John Leonard). ClassIcs of lIbrarIanshIp: further selected readIngs In the hIstory of lIbrarIanshIp. [WIth’a bIblIography.] pp. x. .+ 203. PortraIts. 8°. r,ondon, 1957. For the second edItIon_of thIs wk, see Infra: Selected readIngs In the hIstory of lIbrarIan8hIp.
Card ID: 33
DEPOSITORY THORNTON (John Leonard). - John Abernetty: a bIograpIr. £WIth a bIblIo— graphy.] pp. 184. PortraIts, vIates and fac3ImIles. 0 8. London, 1953.
Card ID: 34
THORNTON (John Leonard). SpecIal lIbrary methods: an IntroductIon to specIal lIbrarIanshIp. [WIth bIblIographIes.] pp. xI. + 158. Plates and table. 0 8 . London, 1940.
Card ID: 36
Author: THORNTON (Michael John)
MSPX Tho THORNTON (MIchael John). Napoleon after Waterloo: England and the St.Helena decIsIon. pp. 241. Stanford, CalIf., 1968.
Card ID: 53