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THORESBY Ralph a:if john|k:in (john) (4)
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SAUNDERS, John Joseph
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Author: THORESBY (Ralph)
9 jI THORESBY (Ralph), F.R.S. SAUNDEBS (John j.) Haiph Thoresby and his circle, with special reference to the state of English historical scholarship in his time. 1936.
Card ID: 392
Author: THORESBY (John)
Cc1, 1k - TcL] rL THORESBY (John), successively Bisho of St.David, of Worcester, and ArchbIshop of York. THORESBY (Ralph), FR.S. Vicaria Leodicnsis...To which are added, the lives of several Archbishops of York...And Archbishop Thoresby’s memorable exposition of the Decalogue, Creed, and Lord’s Prayer, etc. London, 1724.
Card ID: 384
Author: SAUNDERS (John Joseph)
SAUNDERS (John Joseph). Ralph Thoresby and his circle, with special reference to the st8te of English historical scholarship in his time. [Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.A of the University of London in 1936.) (2) + 155 leaves. 4. 1936.
Card ID: 582
Author: No Author available
WORCESTER, John, Bish of. [1349—52]. THORESBY (Ralph), successively Bishop of St.David’s, of Worcester and chbishop of York.
Card ID: 474