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THOMSON Sir Joseph John to (john) (7)
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THOMSON, Sir Joseph John
POYNTING, John Henry and THOMSON, Sir Joseph John
THOMSON, Sir Joseph John and RUTHERFORD, Ernest
TUCKER, william Sansom
No Author available
Author: THOMSON (Sir Joseph John)
Bli THO Thc, THOMSON (Sir Joseph John). See THOMSON (Sir George Paget). J .J.Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratol-y in his day. 50• [London], 1964.
Card ID: 176
DE1OS1To THOMSON (Sir Joseph John). Elements of t,he mathematical theory of e1eotricity aM magnetism. • .Pitt,h edition. pp. 430. Diagrams. 8. Canbridge, 1S21.
Card ID: 166
Author: POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John)
DEPOSITORY POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John). A Text—book of physics. 4 vols. Illustrations. 8°. London, l89Q—192Z. 1. Properties of rratter. (Seventh edition). 2. Sound. (intb edition.) 3. Heat. (Sixt.h edition). 4. Eleotriolty and magnetism. Statio Eleot,rioit,y and Magnetism. (Second edition). 2 parts. [For later editions I infra:A University text-book of physics, etc.’
Card ID: 7
Author: THOMSON (Sir Joseph John) and RUTHERFORD (Ernest)
THOMSON (Sir Joseph John) and RUTHERFORD (Ernest), — let Baron Rutherford. On the passage of electricity through gases exposed to R8ntgen rays. See FEATHER (Norman). X—rays and the electric conductivity of gases. Comprising papers by W.C. R8ntgen Card ID: 177
Card ID: 177
Author: TUCKER (william Sansom)
B TUCKER (william Sansom). See POYNTING (John H.) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph J. A University text-book of physics, etc. Vol.2. Sound...Revjsed by VI.S.Tuclcer. Tenth edition, etc. pndon, 1949.
Card ID: 72
Author: No Author available
AI. V TH0MSOII (Sir Joseph John). CAIABRIDaE. University_of Cambridge. Cavend i sh Laboraory. A History of the Cavendish laboratory, 1871—1910, etc. [Co!ripiled in honour of Sir Joseph J. Thomson’ s twentyfive years’ tenure of the Cavendish Professorship.] London, 1910.
Card ID: 172
PO. POYNTING (John Henry) and THOMSON (Sir Joseph John), A University text—book of physics, etc. ‘lois. 1—3, Diagrams, charts and tables. 6° London, 1947-52. No more published. 1. Properties of matter.,.Revised by G.W.Todd. Fourteenth edition. 1947. 2. Sound...Revised by W.S.Tudker. Tenth edition. 1949. 3. Heat. • .Eleventh edition.. .largely re— J.H.Awbery. 1952.
Card ID: 8