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THOMSON Sir John Arthur a:e |k:e (or) (8)
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THOMSON, Sir John Arthur
GEDDES, Sir Patrick and THOMSON, John Arthur
Author: THOMSON (Sir John Arthur)
THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). Modern science: a general introduction... With.. .plates and. • .illustratione... Third edition. pp. xi. + 210. 80. London1 [1930.]
Card ID: 127
DEPOSiTORY THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). Mountain and moorland, etc. (Nature Lover’s Series.) pp. 176. Plates id diagrams. L.o o . London aria New York, 1921.
Card ID: 128
1 q J’ —: THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). The New natural history. 3 vols. Plates and illustrations. 0 4 . London, [1925—26]. agination is continuous throughout.
Card ID: 129
THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). Science old and new. pp.192. 8°. London, l9L.6.
Card ID: 136
DOS1TORY THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). Science today: the scientific outlook on world problems explained by leading exponents of modern scientific thought. Planned and arranged by...Sir J. A. Thomson. Edited by J. G. Crbwther. pp. 398. 8°. London, 193.
Card ID: 137
DEPOBJ To fy THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). Secrets of animal life...Tflird edition. pp. x. + 24. Plates. 0 8 . London, 1920.
Card ID: 138
THOMSON (Sir John Arthur). See GEDDES (Sir Patrick) and THOMSON (Sir JDhn The Evolution of sex, e. Iondon a1ld ]..bourne, 11890]. — Revised edition. Lodon, 1901.
Card ID: 147
Author: GEDDES (Sir Patrick) and THOMSON ( John Arthur)
DEPOSITORY GEDDES (Sir Patrick) and THOMSON ( John Arthur). The Evolution, of sex, . (The Contempory Suience Series.) pp. xvi. + (2) + 322. Illustrations an diagrams. 8°. Ldon and. Melbourne,2t1.890). — Revised edition. pp. xx. + 34IlIüsia— tjons. [H.C.) 8°. n4on, 1901.
Card ID: 627