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THOMSON Sir Godfrey Hilton (2)
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THOMSON, Sir Godfrey HiLton
THOMSON, Sir Godfrey Hilton
Author: THOMSON (Sir Godfrey HiLton)
THOMSON (Sir Godfrey HiLton). An Pnalysis of performance test scores of a representative group of Scottish children. London, 1940. See EDINBUEGH. Scottish Council for Research in Education. Publications. No. i6.
Card ID: 613
Author: THOMSON (Sir Godfrey Hilton)
L1 £ cc1ccL THOMSON (Sir Godfrey Hilton). See EDINBURGH. Scottish Council for Research in Education. Mental Survey Committee. The Trend of Scottish intelligence: a conlpari8on of the l9L.7 and 1932 surveys of the intelligence of eleven—year-old pupils, etc. [The first report of the ScotThh Mental Survey, 1947. With a preface by Sir G.H.Thomson. ]• London, 1%9.
Card ID: 617