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THOMSON Alexander a:thomson alexander|k:in (alexander) (5)
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THOMSON, Alexander
THOMSON, James Alexander Kerr
THOMSON, James Alexander Ker
Author: THOMSON (Alexander)
(4trri ç zr THOMSON (Alexander)., To Lord l3rougham, and through him, to the Proprietors of the London University, Heasons why the expulsion of A. Thomson... from the London University should be reoonsidered, etc. [By A. Thomson.j pp. ].44. 8. Paris, 1831. 4
Card ID: 517
Author: THOMSON (James Alexander Kerr)
DE?OS1T0’ THOMSON (James Alexander Kerr). Greeks & barbarians. pp. 218. 8°. London and New York, 1921.
Card ID: 99
‘V N I) I 1 THOMSON (James Alexander Kerr). Irony: an historical introdu.ction. pp. (8) + 242. 8°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 100
THOMSON (James Alexander Kerr). Studies in the Odyssey. pp. x. + 250. 8°. Oxford, 1914, i7ii 17
Card ID: 101
Author: THOMSON (James Alexander Ker)
THOMSON (James Alexander Ker). a MURRAY (CL G. A.) Essays in honour of Gilbert Murray. 2y various a.ut,hors. EdiT.ed by J. A. K. Thomson and A. J. Toynbee.j London, 196.
Card ID: 102