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THOMPSON Silvanus Phillips a:thompson silvanus phillips|k:0871 (9)
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THOMPSON, Silvanus Phillips
Author: THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips)
DEPOSITORY THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). The Electromagnet, and electromagnetic niechanism. (Pinsbury Technical blanuals.) pp. 450. 8°. London and New.York, 1891.
Card ID: 336
bEPOSITORY THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Elementary lessons in electricity & magnetism. pp. 456. 80. London and New York, 1891.
Card ID: 337
fsj oi&’C1 THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Hand list of the magnetic and electrical books in the library oC S. P. thompson (now belonging to the Institution of electrical n*ineers]. pp.119. 80. &ondon, i914. csJoc’Cr7. (ii’flJ [Another copy.] c•. ztfrrer S.P.Thomvsonts copy, interleaved with his pencil notes.
Card ID: 340
DEPOSITORY THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Light: visible and invisible. A series of leotures...1898. pp. xii. + 294. [L..L.] 80. London, 189?.
Card ID: 344
‘% [1 “Ji’J THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Michael Faraday: his life and work. (The Century Science Series.) pp. ix. + (3T+ 3Y8. ortrait9 iflitrations and d1graxns. 0 8 . London, 1898. [Another copy.] kZ With 2 autograph letters from Henry E.Rosooe to Sylvanus Thonrnson inserted.
Card ID: 346
PR tz - Sette] THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Ye Magick zuirrour of old Japan, etc. London, 1893. See LOND)N. Liii.] Sette of Odd Volumes. Privately printed opuscula, etc., 50.
Card ID: 350
(Jo9o icej THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). Peis Peregritius de !aricourt ar his pisto1a do magneto. [With a bibliograpb,y (From the Proceedings of the British Aoa4eny, vol. ii.) pp. 32. Plate. 8°. London, [1906].
Card ID: 353
THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). The Rose of the winds:, the origin and development of the compass—card... Read at the International Historical Congress, April, 1913. From the Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. VI, pp.1 31, Plates and illustrations. 8° [19lI.]. Catalogued from the wraper.
Card ID: 355
THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips). See: THOMPSON Sraeal) and ,(lile Gertrwe). Si1vanu Phillips Thompson...his life and letters. ondop, l2O.
Card ID: 366