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THOMPSON Ernest Freeman a:u john|k:to (john) (2)
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THOMPSON, Ernest Freeman
Author: THOMPSON (Ernest Freeman)
-u THOMPSON (Ernest Freeman). Chemical and physical investigations: the general hydrography of the Red Sea, etc. London, 1939. See LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. - Natural Hi story Departments. The John Murray expedition, 1933—34. Scientific reports. Vol. 2. No. 3.
Card ID: 95
THOMPSON (Ernest Freeman). Pagurid and. coenobitid. London, 194g. See LONDON. 1111. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. Natural HistorD,artments. The John Murray expedition, 193—34. Scientific reports. Vol. 7, No. 5.
Card ID: 97