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THOMPSON Edward John a:thompson edward john|k:to (john) (6)
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THOMPSON, Edward John
Author: THOMPSON (Edward John)
Yp 74733 THOMPSON (Edward John). An id of the hours. pp. 288. London, 1938.
Card ID: 43
Malcolm Morley Collection /0 , THOMPSON (Edward John). Krishna Kumari: an historical drama in four acts. (Contemporary Rritsh Dranatists. 10.) I 92h..
Card ID: 45
cit THOMPSON (Edward John). The Life of Charles, Lord Met calf e. [With a bibiiography.J pp. xv. + 459. Portraits, ma and genegi 0 gic1 table. 8°. London, 1937.
Card ID: 47
THOMPSON (Edward John). The Making of the Indian princes. [With a bibilo—. graphy.] pp. xii. + 304. Maps. 8. London, 1943.
Card ID: 48
-1 THOMPSON (Edward John). The Reconstruction of India. (Revised cheap edition.) pp. 350. - 8°. London, 1931.
Card ID: 51
M\/1i RPL THOMPSON (Edward John). TIo Sir Walter Ralegh, the last of the Elizabethans. [With.a. bibliography.] pp. xv. + 387. Portraits and maps. 8°. London, 1935.
Card ID: 53