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THOMAS Ron a:on e|k:on (e) (4)
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TIN, herbert
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Author: THOMAS (Ron)
THOMAS (Ron). An Exoroise in redep1oyent: the report of a trade union stuay group. (By various authors.] dited by R.Thonms. (The Commonwealth ed International Libraryj pp. 26b. Oxford, 1959.
Card ID: 255
Author: TIN (herbert)
UPN4 AI5TIN (herbert), ,ron Austin. See (Zeta E].aine) and. WYATT (Robert John). Lord Austin: the man. • .With a Toreord by Sir Miles Thomas. 8°. London, 1968.
Card ID: 332
Author: No Author available
CarftO! Shcrthafld [c.S.C.3 l7i6 [Nosoth) C& ! ctri Rcrefl-e only NOSMCYI’H, Dr., peud. (i.e. Thomas HOHPSON.) The Genuine tryal of Dr. Nosnzth, a physician In Pekin, for the murder of the Mandarin Thnwin (i.e • the Right Ron • Thomas 4TinningtonJ...Teken In short hand by the linguist of the English faetory. pp.5-29. 8°. LoIon, l’(k6. The text begins at p • 5 but nothing appears to be missing.
Card ID: 428
PPJllCETDfl (N! J]R3!Y). Princeton iJniversity. Dcpartincnt of 1conornics.e.n cic.1 I tuticr. Internat1on1 FinRnce Section. Special papers in internation.1. economics. [Continuci.] —r(., C1i, 8. DIIAG:!ATX (Jdish N) The Theory ed practice of cnmercial policy: dpartiires £ron unifid exchanie rates. 1963. 9. W)LITNAN (Marina von Neumann). Policie8 for internal and external balance. 1920. rtMu (c.i 10. CAVES (fichard E.) InternatLonal trade, inter— national investment, and imperfect market8. 1974. 11. TOWER (Edward) and WILLL’11T (Thomas 1).) The theor “ of optimum currency areas and exchange rate. flexibility. 1976. - [S?E Z(T CARD.)
Card ID: 191