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THOMAS John Wesley a:i i john|k:on (john) (2)
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THOMAS, John Wesley
Author: THOMAS (John Wesley)
+ ___ _ft THOMAS (John Wesley), Profesor. German verse from the 12th to the 20th century, In EnglIsh translatIon. [An anthology. Poems translated and edIted) by J.W.ThoIuas. (UnIversIty of North CarolIna StudIes In the GIrmanIe LanugesII LIteratures, 44.) pp. (14)-I- 1O. 8. Chapel HIll, N.C.,[Assen prInted, 1963).
Card ID: 95
ObR*cj THOMAS (John Wesley), ?ofessor. See CLARKE (James F.) The Letters of’ James Freeman Clarke to Margaret Fuller. EdIted, by 3.W. Thomas. Ramburg, 1957.
Card ID: 97