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THOMAS Gilbert a:in gilbert|k:0346 (9)
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THOMAS, Gilbert
BURNETT, Gilbert Thomas
GILBERT, Sir John Thomas
GILBERT, LJobn Thomas
MORGAN, Sir Gilbert Thomas
WALKER, Sir Gilbert Thomas
Author: GILBERT (Thomas)
GILBERT (Thomas), . Heads of a bill for the better relief and ernp1oyment of the poor, and for the improvement of the police of this countty, £. supra: A Bill intended to be offered to Parliament for the better relief and employment of the poor, .
Card ID: 164
Author: THOMAS (Gilbert)
YP TLt63C 969 THOMAS (Gilbert). Collected poems. pp. 206. Newton Abbot arid London, 1969.
Card ID: 501
THOMAS (Gilbert). Mary of Huntingdon and other poems. pp.51. 8°. London, 1928. T.Sturge Moore’s copy, with hi pencil markings and annotations.
Card ID: 502
Author: BURNETT (Gilbert Thomas)
BURNETT (Gilbert Thomas), Professoro±b Botany at !ing’s CoIIóge1 London. MUEY (H.) .n historical ad descriptive aöcount of China. . .By H. Murray. . ,and G. Burnet, etc. Edinburgh and London, 1843.
Card ID: 117
Author: GILBERT (Sir John Thomas)
GILBERT (Sir John Thomas). V A History of the city of Dublin. [With bibliographies.j Vols. 1—2. o1eö.jj. 0 8 . üb1in, 1859. Imierfect
Card ID: 104
Author: GILBERT (LJobn Thomas)
t;2 I 1) Sir (J GILBERT (LJobn Thomas). History of the Irish Confederation and the war in Ireland, l641—164 (—164). . . Now for the first time published from original manusoripts...tllustrated with portraits and fao-.similea. 7 vole. 4. pj for the edito, 1882—1891. One ofOO copies printed.
Card ID: 105
GILBERT (Sir John Thomas). On the history, position, and treatment of the public records of Ireland. By ai Irish Archivist [i.e. Sir John Thomas Gilbert]. Second edition. London, 1864. See IRELAND. [Appendix. — Mi 5Ceiln.]
Card ID: 108
Author: MORGAN (Sir Gilbert Thomas)
DEPQSIToR’ MORGAN (Sir Gilbert Thomas). Achievements of British chemical industry in the last twenty—five years, odon, [1939]. See LONDON. III Royal Sojety.ofArts Cantor Leâtures. 1939.
Card ID: 465
Author: WALKER (Sir Gilbert Thomas)
WALKER (Sir Gilbert Thomas). See WASHINGTON (CO1UBIA). Smithsonian Institut ion . Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol • 90. (Whole volume . CiJYTO]l (H. IL) World. weather reoord.s, continued. from volume 79, 1921—1930. C1lootcd from official sources by .G.Simpson, Sir G. Walker, R.C.Mossman I:and.J F.L. Clayton, j. Washington, 1934.
Card ID: 133