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THOMAS David Richard a:on david|k:on (david) (6)



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    Author: THOMAS (David Richard)


    PS3 THOMAS (David Richard), Archdacon of Montgnory. Esgobaeth Lianeiwy: a history of the diocese of St. Asaph, general, cathedral and parochial, pp. ix. + 889. jate and tables. 8°. London and St.Asaph, 1874.

    Card ID: 402

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    Author: THOMAS (David Richard)


    THOMAS (David Richard), Archc1acon ot Montgomer,. See LO1DON. [III. Miscellaneous In8titutiøns, Societies,etc.] Canibrian Archao logical Asaociatlon. Archologia Cambrensis,etc. An alohabetical index to the first four series, 18L4.6—811.. With an introduction and lists of articles and illustrations by D. 1. Thomas. London, 1892.

    Card ID: 403

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    Author: No Author available


    PSB3 sa Tho SAINT ASAPH, Diocese of. See THOMAS (David Richard), Archdeacon of Montgomery. Esgobaeth Lianeiwy: a history of the diocese of t. Asaph, general, cathedral and parochial, etc. London and St. Asaph, 1874.

    Card ID: 213

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    Author: No Author available


    C:P. ‘LH ThOMAS (David Oswald). The Political philosophy of Richard Price. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1956.1 (4) xli. + 461 leaves. 40 1956.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: No Author available


    FIrry F-ice rary E.P.L. fMiscellenea. U] For 1Zcrence Only Rare Book case MORRiS (Richard), Chief Clerk in the Office. See THOMAS (David), called DAFYDD Dlxi C) ERYRI. Diddsnwch teuluaidd; rieu waith beirdd mon, sef, Goronwr Owen, Lewis librys, Rhisiart Morys, Huw Huws, Robert Thiws, Sion Owen, etc. 12’. Caernarvon, 1817.

    Card ID: 302

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    Author: No Author available


    r...-. .. .-.%[) - WILSON (Thomas), P4aster or St.Catharlne’s Hospital. The Rule of reason, conteinyn the art of logike. Sette forthe in nglishe and neilie corrected, etc. (4) ÷ 30 + (2) leaves. [a.M.L. J 4°. John Kin gstoni London, 1580. OOLLATI0{:— A — ito.(3)’ tice• (fib blank; (2)+_. (4) dedicatory ogjstle to Kdward VI,; (4)b Latin varies y )altor ?iaddon and Thotas Wilson; (,)a — ()a tne nork; (gO)t. (92)b theiniex. Sound With this sork is tn, uniform edition of The 4r Ø rhetori’?e, Printed in black letter and italio, with headings in Rowan letter. The woodcut border surrounding tne tit.e contains figures representing Moses and David. It was used.. also in 1581 and 15 by Richard Jones,. a printer and boo&ceefler in London from 1564 to 1902, and by George Robinson, who sarriwi Kingston’s wiiow and nontinued his press from 1585 until i597. [SEE NEXT CARDJ

    Card ID: 192