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THACKERAY William Makepeace a:s j c|k:c(c) (23)



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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [Works. Library Edition.] [CONTINUED.] 13. Barry Lyndon. The Great Hoggarty diamond. 14. The Irish sketch book. From Cornhill to Cairo. 15. The Book of snobs. Sketches and travels in London. Character sketches. 16. Burlesques. 17. Chritznas books. 18. Ballads and tales. 19. The Pour Georges. The English humorists. 20. Roundabout papers. The Second funeral of Napoleon. 21. Denis Duval, Iovel the Widower, and other stories. 22. Catherine. Little travels. The Pitz—Boodle papers etc.

    Card ID: 250

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    T4 91L THACKERAY (William Makepeace). {Two or More Works. I Christmas books...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furniss. [.With a bibliograpica1 note by L.Melville.) (The Harry Furniss Centenary Edition.) pp. xxi. + 42. 8°. Loadon, 1911.

    Card ID: 258

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    Yr! THACKERAY (William Makepeace) .- (Two or More - Works.] The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq., written by hirself. Catherine: a story...With illustrations by the author and H.Furniss, [With a bibliographical note by L.kielville.] (ThHarrv Furniss Centery_E4i tion.) pp• xxviii. + 426. 8°. Londo 1911.

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    ‘çrq THACKERAY (William Makepeace). :° or More Works.J The Paris sketch book of ‘Mr.M.A.Titmarsh, and The Irish ketch book...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furnissb [With a - bibliographical note by L.Melv1le..) (Jg Harry FurnJss Qntenai’y Editon) pp. xxxvii. + 577. 8°. ndon, 1911.

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    YN fLfJ E THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [Two or More ?iorks.-1 Roundabout papers and. Deriis Duval...With illustrations by bhe author and. Frederick Walker and Harry ‘urniss. Witha bibliographical note by L.!Jelville.) (Th.e Harry Fniss Centenary EditJonJ pp. xliv. + 431. 8°. London,—1911.

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    - 311 THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [To oritore Works.] The Yeilowplush correspondence, JearnesTs diary, The great Hoggarty diamond, etc... With illustrations by the author and. John Leech and Harry Furniss. [Yith a bibliographical note by L.Melville.] (The Harry Furniss Centenary Edition.J pp. JJJ. + 507. 8°. London, 1911.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    THACKERAY (William Makepeace). ILetters.] A Collection of letters, J. [Continued.] With ins. notes by Hester Tlipckerav RitchJ, ‘Thpckerayts granddaughter. The portions omitted frow the letters have been suo1ied. in red ink by anothor hand.Drobabiv,unc5er her direction.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    sTERL11!G UBRARY EFER( (lf THACKERAY (William Makepeace). Denis Duval. pp. 275. 8°. London, 1867. Pirst English edition. S.L.O., I. 987.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    STERLING LIARY LT L-’ FEFERENCE ONLY THACKERAY (William Makepeace). Etchings by the late W.M.Thackeray, while at Cambridge, illustrative of university life, etc, etc. Now printed from the original plates. 8 plates. 8. [London, 1878]. The piaEes are uncoloured. S.L.C., [. 989.

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    TERL1NG UBrAR’( 1- iCe: 2 I EFERECE ONLY (:1 THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [Henry Esmo2ad.] The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a colonel in the service of Her MaJesty Q.Anne. Written by himself. 3 vole. 8. london, 1852. In the original cloth as issued. S.I.C., I. 948. [Another copy.] Wanting a preliminary blank leaf in vole. 2 and 3 and the pub1ishers catalogue at the end of vol.3. SL.C., I. 969.

    Card ID: 298

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    • -• - THACKERAY (William Makepeace). The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond. [With illustrations by the author.] pp. xi. + 189. 8. London, 1849. First English edition. With a second, enzaved, titlepage. Imperfect, wanting the half title and a final leaf of publiihers’ advertisements. 6.1.0., I. 965.

    Card ID: 304

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    Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)


    STERUI!G LI3AR’( ?‘? FEFERCE C’” THACKERAY (William Makepeace). The Irish sketch—book. By Mr. M.A.Titmarsh [i.e. W.M.Thackeray]. With numerous engravings on wood, drawn by the author. 2 vols. 12°. London, 1843. S.I,.C., I. 956.

    Card ID: 306