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THACKERAY William Makepeace a:is harry|k:is (harry) (5)
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THACKERAY, William Makepeace
Author: THACKERAY (William Makepeace)
T4 91L THACKERAY (William Makepeace). {Two or More Works. I Christmas books...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furniss. [.With a bibliograpica1 note by L.Melville.) (The Harry Furniss Centenary Edition.) pp. xxi. + 42. 8°. Loadon, 1911.
Card ID: 258
‘çrq THACKERAY (William Makepeace). :° or More Works.J The Paris sketch book of ‘Mr.M.A.Titmarsh, and The Irish ketch book...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furnissb [With a - bibliographical note by L.Melv1le..) (jg Harry Furnjss Qntenai’y Editon) pp. xxxvii. + 577. 8°. ndon, 1911.
Card ID: 265
YN fLfJ E THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [Two or More ?iorks.-1 Roundabout papers and. Deriis Duval...With illustrations by bhe author and. Frederick Walker and Harry ‘urniss. Witha bibliographical note by L.!Jelville.) (Th.e Harry Fniss Centenary Editjonj pp. xliv. + 431. 8°. London,—1911.
Card ID: 266
- 311 THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [To oritore Works.] The Yeilowplush correspondence, JearnesTs diary, The great Hoggarty diamond, etc... With illustrations by the author and. John Leech and Harry Furniss. [Yith a bibliographical note by L.Melville.] (The Harry Furniss Centenary Edition.j pp. jjj. + 507. 8°. London, 1911.
Card ID: 268
h N TN ti:g THACKERAY (William Makepeace). [Pendennis.) The History of Peadennis, his fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enerny...With illustrations by the author and Harry Furniss. twith a bibliographical note by Ldtelville.J (The Harry Furnjs Centenary Edition) pp. ccxvi. + 850. 8°. pndon, 1911.
Card ID: 332