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TH Oliver a:an paul|k:will (paul) (2)



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    Author: TH (Oliver)


    LMG LLDRARf L ]— j’° -‘ - —‘ rF’\’( ONLY OifTH (Oliver), the Poet. [The Mystery revealed.] The Mystery revealed. Containing a series of transactions and authentic testimonials, respecting th supposed Cock—Lane ghost, which have hitherto been concealed from the public. [By Oliver Goldsmith.) pp. (14) ÷ ‘114 br rather, 314.] 80. Printed for W. Bristow: London, 17142 [i.e. 1762].. Anonymous. p.314 is wrongly numbered 1J4. S.L.C., 1.3914. ,. [Another issk + 114 (or rather, 3L 8°. Printed for V1. Bristow in St. Paul’s Church yard, and ‘. Etherington York; London, 17142 k.e. 1762]

    Card ID: 193

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    Author: SHAKPEARE (William)


    Th 93 SHAKPEARE (William). [Works.] ‘‘ The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.] SlIp—case 2. Love’s labour’s lost. Introduction by Paul Rogers. Deisgns by Berkeley Sutcliffe. (Second impression.) 1959 [1975]. The Two gentleien of Verona. Introduction by Denia Carey. Deoins by J. ilutchinson Scott. 1974. King Richard II. Introduction by Sir John (lielgud. Designs by Loudun Sainthill. (Third impression.) 1958 E1974J. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet...Introduction by Nevill Coghill. Designs by Jean Hugo. (Fourth impression.) 1950[1972. A Midsummer night’s dream..Introduction by Sir Ralph Richardsoi Designs by Oliver Messel. (Third impression.) 195? [1968]. The Merchant of Venice. Introduction and designs by Julia Trevclya.n Oman. 1975. Ls NEXT CARD.i

    Card ID: 176