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TH George a:is george|k:0527 (5)
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TH, George
TH, George Ranken
TH, George Samuel
TH, George, Bishop of Victoria, g_Kong
Author: TH (George)
NftSE REDiTH (George). [Smaller Collections.) Short stories. (The Works of Geore Meredith. Sidard Ediio.) pp. 373. 80 Londozi, 1920.
Card ID: 13
53 1ERED1TH (George). Lord Ormont1 and 1is Aminta: a novel, (The Woric eoge Meredit,h. Standard Edition.) pp.viii. •+ 34. 8°. London, 1916.
Card ID: 39
Author: TH (George Ranken)
cSçM ASKWiTH (George Ranken), 1st,. Baron Askwith. British taverns: their history and laws. pp. (4) + 274. frontispiece, 8. London, 1928.
Card ID: 376
Author: TH (George Samuel)
OEPOSITO IG NEViTH (George Samuel). Ajext—book of inorganic obemistry. New and enlarged edition. pp. xiii. ÷ 112. 0, London, 1936.
Card ID: 86
Author: TH (George), Bishop of Victoria (g_Kong)
DEPOSITORy SMtTH (George), Bishop of Victoria (g_Kong). Lewohew and the Lewohewans: being a narrative of a visit to Lewohew, or Loo Choo, in October 1850. pp. riii. + 95. Frontispiece. 8°. London, 1853.
Card ID: 435