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TH Ernest Gerald a:as john|k:to (john) (1)
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TH, Ernest Gerald
Author: TH (Ernest Gerald)
IR Snr HEkTH (Ernest Gerald). See SlifTIIE (Sir John). Bow versus gun: being a reprint of ‘Certain discoirses, written by Sir John Smythe, Knight concerning the forines and effects of divers sorts of weapons’, 1590, and ‘A breefe discourse, concerning the force and effect of all znuall weapons of fire (a. criticism of Sir John Snrthe’8 ‘Certain discourses’ and of Sir Roger Wilhiains ‘A Brief discourse of varre’] bylftunfrèy Barwick’, 159Z1.• With an introduction by E.G. Heath. East Ardsley, Wakefield, 1973.
Card ID: 368