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TGTON COLUMBIA a:sco james brown|k:sco (james brown) (3)



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    Author: TGTON (COLUMBIA)


    (, :‘j VIASNflTGTON (COLUMBIA). Carnocio Endovment_for Int,er— nati.na1 Peace. Divf1.on rnatiILaw. -Coo - Ls Oonfrencos do la Paix do la Haye do 1q99 et 1907. Par J. 3. Scott. Traduotion ran9aise par A. do Lapradelle. 3 vols in 1. 8°. Paris, 1927. See SCO’i (James Brown).

    Card ID: 49

  • card

    Author: TGTON (COLUMBIA)


    S WASHt!TGTON (COLUMBIA). Carneie Institution of 1iion. Contributions to palaeontoloy. . .‘apers oonoernin the pa1aeonto).ogr of the pleisto— oone of California aaid the tertiary of Oreon. Cr J. C. Merriam, 0. Stock, and C. L. Moody. ‘tith a biblioraphy.J (0arne1e Institution Washinton. PiblioatT& n’T) pp • 2. Plate snia, - azrans 80 washint.oi, wa5.

    Card ID: 175

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    Author: TGTON (COLUMBIA)


    DEPOSITORY WASHItTGTON (COLUMBIA). Carnegie Inetiti.ition. of ‘Washington. Supplementary _b1ication 36. Core samples of the. ocean bottom and their significance. By C.S.Piggot. Being a lecture delivered at the Administration Building of Carnegie Institution of Washington, November 23, 1937. (Reprinted from the Scientific }1Tonthly, 1arch, 1938, XLVI.) pp. 17. Illustrations, diagrani and tables. 0 8 . Washngton, 1938.

    Card ID: 235