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TER Walter a:an walter|k:an (walter) (6)
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TER, Walter
EIGH, Sir Walter
No Author available
NEDIER, Rainer
Author: TER (Walter)
7UERC!TER (Walter). Die Darstellung des Mensohea im Drar.a des Euripides. [“ith a bibliography.) Heft 2T pp. xii. + 197. 8°. as1, 1947.
Card ID: 255
Author: EIGH (Sir Walter)
STERLING LiBRARY L7 z - REFERENCE ONLY RAlEIGH (Sir Walter). The Discoverie of the large, rich and bewtiful empire of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden citie of Manoa(which the spaniards call El Dorado> and the prouihoea of Erneria, Arromaia, Amapaia and other countries, with theix riuers, adioyning. performed in the yeare 1595. by Sir W.Ralegh Knight. pp. (16) + 112. 4°. Itnprinted by R.Robinson: London, 1596. Second edition. With numerous errors in yagination. Bound in vellum with ter items, the spine lettered -uyana Voyages.’ _S.L.C. ,i.6
Card ID: 466
Author: No Author available
SMITH (D.vid Niohol). ‘P.. L13t See P.ALEIGH (Sir Via±ter Alexander). • .“ The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh c1B79—1922).... with a preface by D.N. Smith, etc. london, [1926.]
Card ID: 223
x) P, aw’ - CA SCOTT (sir V!a].ter), See WEIR (Wi)liarn). Life of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, with critical notices of his writings. By G.Atlan [or rather begun by W.Weir and completed by G.Allari]. Edinbuh, 1834.
Card ID: 400
PR [Z - Oesterreich] SEI.B (Walter). See VIENNA. ter ichiac’ie Akdeie der flss ens chef ten. Sitzungsberithte. (Philos ophis oh-his tons die Iclasee.) Vol. 268, 1. ‘AM6 bar 1hr1z: Ordnung (icr he und der Erchaften, sowie its cheidung von Rechtsfailen. [The Syria c text.] Herasgegeben, iibersetzt, kommentiert irna mit einer Elnicitung versehen von W. Seib. Vienna, 1970.
Card ID: 118
Author: NEDIER (Rainer)
a 9 NEDIER (Rainer). Wa],ter rley5 1Liber de vita et nor±bu philosophonri poetarunque veterumt in zMei deutschen Iarbeitungen des Spatniittolalters. (With the text of Hans Lbenzweig ‘s translation, and a study of Anton Sorg ‘s version). . .von R.Wedler. [Thesls: University of Heidelberg.] Heidelberg., 1969. See BURLEY (Walter). [Liber de Vita et !bribuz Philosophorum Poetaruiue veteru2l .- Ceriian.J
Card ID: 144