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TAYLOR John Sydney a:on john|k:0959 (2)
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TAYLOR, John Sydney
Author: TAYLOR (John Sydney)
g : u, TAYLOR (John Sydney). Punishment of death...A comçarative view of the punishments annexed to crime in the United States of America and in England... No. 4. (Note of the Committee.) pp. (4) + 37. [u. G.] °. London, iwji (—3d). The note of the Couiuiittee which is dated 4g.3I l82 precedes .the title—page.
Card ID: 518
TAYLOR (John Sydney). Selections from the vrIt1ngs of J.S.Taylor, with a brief sketch of his life. pp. lii. + 496. 8°. 1843.
Card ID: 519