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TAYLOR John David a:it john|k:to (john) (5)



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    Author: TAYLOR (John David)


    OSM Thy TAYLOR (John David). The Shell structure arid mineralogy of the Bivalvia. Introduction, NucuJ.aceaTrigonacea. By J.D.Tay].or, W.J.Kennedy, A.Hall, etc. (Bulletin of the British_tMseuinaturiiThE5ry. pp.125. Bibi., plates and diags. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 505

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    Author: HALL (Anthony)


    GSM Thy HALL (Anthony) ,Ph.D,,London. See TAYLOR (John David). The Shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia. Introduction, NuculaceaTrigonacea. By J.D.Taylor, W.J.Kennedy, A.Ha].l, etc. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 51

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    Author: No Author available


    OSM • Tay KENNEDY. (Will lam James) See TAYLOR (John David). The Shell structure and mineralogy ot the Bivalvia. Introduction, NuculaceaTrigonacea, By J.D.Taylor, W.J.Kennedy, A.Hall, etc. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 412

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley 2 CollectiOci JNCR’S DR1iI1A. Loontinued.] 121 • S KS?Et1Z (william). The Tempest. [c. 1860.] 126. BR0UtHAM (John), Comedian, Dombey and son. {e.1860.] 133. BR0UGi (John), Comedian. David Copperfield. c.1S6O.] 154. C0OPR (James F.) The Wept of the wish—ton—wish. [c.iS6 I 76. DIBDIN (Thomas J.) The Heart of Mid—Lothian. [c. 1860,] 179, CAMlF (John !J.) The Bride of Latnmermoor. [c.1360,] 228. ALMAR (George). Oliver Twist. [c.1865.] 240. TAYLOR. (Tom) and REA.DF.. (Charles). Masks and faces, {c.’2 339. PaATT (William 11.) Ten nights in a bar—room. Lc.1860.J 349. ?ALG0NER (Edmund). Peep o’day. [c.1 360. 352. KATHLE. Kathleen Mavourneen. [e.1860. 359. DALY (Augustin). ‘Frou Frou’. [187O? 365. OtF0RD (Joim). The Two orphans. [c.i875.] E SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. University of %ondon. Queen Mary College. Department f GeograpJ. Occasional papers. [Continued.) h\ Cv’.)C : ::: .‘ . +. TAYLOR (Jean). Problems of mjnimus-ost Location the Kuhn an Kuenne algorithm. 1975. ‘I1 5. ZYLES (John D.) Environmental satisfoction and Lonon’s docklands: problems and policies in the Isle of Dogs. 1976. • 6. LOKDON. University of London. Queen Mary CoheRe. partment of Geography. Separation in South Africa: 1. People and policies. Edited by David H. Smith. 1976. v(v....i) 7. LONDON. University of London. uee Mary College. Deartient of Geography. Separationin Zouth Africa:2.•korelands and cities. Edited by David M.Sith, 1976. [SEE !‘EXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 430