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TAYLOR Jeremy a:j john|k:to (john) (21)



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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    • at-i ;_v d TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop of Down and Connor and QDroniore. The Whole works of.. .Jeremy Taylor...With a life of the author and a critical eamtnFJ.tjon of his writings by. . .R..Heber... Third edition of the collected workG. 15 vols. Portrait. 0 8 . London, 1839.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    TAYLOR (Jeremy) Bishop of Down arid Conor, and of Droinore. Clerus Domini; or, a Discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacrednesse and. separation of the Office 1{inisteria1 to— gether with the nature and manner of its power and operation,ëtc. London, i651. See infra: xxviii sermons preached t Golden (.rove ,etc.

    Card ID: 402

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    ‘/ -rzv7 TAYLOR (Jeremy), ishoD of rown and Con, and Dromore. a. c.ourse of sermons Iar_a.J.1 the Sundays of the year...Together with a discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacredness, and separation of the office ministerial...The second edition corrected. 3 partsin 1 vol. prtrai fol. Lndon, 1655. Each part-has a separate tjtlepage and ginaticn. Ihe second part is dated 1654. [SEE NFJCT CARDI

    Card ID: 405

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    TAYLOR (Jeremy), BIshop of Down and_, and of Uromore. vt..ouros: a course of sermons, [Continued.] —she fifth edition, en1arge With a supplement of eleven sermons preached since his l4ajesties res— tauration. Whereunto is adjoined, A Discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacredness, and separation of the office ministerial. With rules and advices to the clergy. (A .L’uneral sermon Ion 1 John iii.2] preached at the obsequies of...3eremy, Lord Bishop of Down...$y G.Rust.) 4 parts in 1 vol Portrait. fol. London, 1678. Each part, and also each of the single serxuons in the suDJement. has a special titlepage. Thpag1nation of oartsl and 2 j continuous,

    Card ID: 406

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    (i(ft)& Ltfr3 TAYLOR (Jeremy), ihop of Down ad onnor and of Friendship. (A discourse of the nature, offices and measures of friendship, with rules of conducting it, in a letter to the most ingenious and excellent i1rs.K. Philips.) pp. 68. 8°. London, 1920.

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    P57 1-24 L TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop.of Downand Connor and of Dromore. I The Great exemplar of sanctity and holy life according to the Christian institution, described in the history of the life and death of the ever blessed Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Vlith considerations and discourses...and prayers, etc. 3 parts in 2. vol. R.N. for F.Aeh: London, 16Li9. Each part has a separate titlepage, dedication and pagination. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 408

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    57 TL7L TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop of Down and Connor and of Dromore. FaTG1crEc The G-reat exemplar: the life and death of the Holy Jesus, . [With engravings by V1.Faithorne.] 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. London, 1653. Imperfect; wanting the general titlepage and the portrait of Taylor by Lombart. An engraving of the Crucifixion, probably by Faithorne, from the third edition, 1657, has been inserted. Catalogued from the engraved titlepage which has been trimmed and mounted. Each part has a separate titlepage and dedication.

    Card ID: 409

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    TAYLOR (Jeremy), BishoD of n_Connç, and of Drorriore. The House of understanding:selections from the writings of Jeremy Taylor [with an introduction and a bibliographyl by 14. Gest. pp • x • ÷ 118 Portraits 0 8 . Philadeli,hia, 195k.

    Card ID: 414

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    • t• 1 0 TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bisliopof DQwn and Connor, and of — Dromore. B. Taylor’s Opuscula. The Measures of friendship, with additional tracts, to which is now added his moral demonstration, proving that-the religion of Jesus Christ is from God. Never before printed in this volume. pp. (6) + 207. trait. 12°. 1678.

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop of Down and Coor, and of Dromore. The Poems and verse—translations of...J. Taylor.. For the first time collected and eaited...with introduction by A. B. Grosart. [Blackburn] printed for private circulation, 1 87o. See GROSART (A. B.) Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies’ Library. Vol. 1.

    Card ID: 416

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    Author: TAYLOR (jeremy)


    TAYLOR (jeremy) , Bishop of Down and Connor - and of )roliiore. [“The Rule az Exercises of Holy Living” and “The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying”, whether published separately or together, are filed in one chronological sequence.]

    Card ID: 417

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    Author: TAYLOR (Jeremy)


    P37 T27T 971 TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop of Down and Coimor and of Dromore. [Theologia Eklektike.J A Discourse of the liberty of prophesying. (®oAoy A Discourse of the liberty of prophesying, shewing the unreasonablenes of prescribing to other mens faith and the iniquity of persecuting differing opinions.) 1647. CA facsimile of a copy in the British Nuseum.J pp. 26’7. Scolar Press: Menston, 1971.

    Card ID: 423