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TATHAM John a:as john|k:to (john) (5)
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BLAXE, William
Author: TATHAM (John)
TATHAM (John) Dramatist. The Dramatlo works of John Tat,harn, With int,roduotions and notes, pp. xil, + 304. Edinburgh [printed), London, 1879. DRAMATISTS. Dramatists of the Restoration.
Card ID: 227
•(:[c:) TATHAM (John), Dxamatist. The Royal oake, with other variousde1ightfull scenes presented on the water and the land, celebrated in honour of the deservedly honoured Sir Richard Brown, Bart.,Lord Mayor of the City of London...1660, LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] PercSocie. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 10. Lord Mayors pageants, etc. Part 2. pp. 79—106. Loidon, 1844.
Card ID: 229
Author: No Author available
VLe (PC.ii) IAThAM (Jthn), Art1 See LONDON. [ill.] Tate Gailery. John tatham. jCatalogue at’ an exhibition at the Tate Gallery, 18 June - 25 Ju2y, 1976. By) (Terry Mesahain). London, 1976.
Card ID: 274
Author: BLAXE (William)
B6a Wit BLAXE (William), Artist. [Appendix.) See WITTREICH (Joseph Anthony). Kineteenth-century accounts of William Blake. By Benjamin Heath Malkin, Henry Crabb obin$on, John Thonws Smith, Allan Cunningham, Frederick Tatham, William Butler Yeats. Facsimile reproductions. Edited with intro&zcton and headnotes by Joseph Anthony Wittreich. Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, Gainesville, Fla., 1970.
Card ID: 492
r.u.—L.j (ç e)wc k-L • TATHAM (John), Dramatist. The Fancies theater.’ttA collection of poems.] (Love crownes the end: a pastorall presented by the schollers of Binghani in the county of Notinghsm, in the yeare 1632.) pp. (162). [D.—L.L.] 8°. Printed by Iohn Norton, for Richard çt: ondon, 1640. “Love crovnies the end” has a separate title—page but the pagination and reglster are continuous.
Card ID: 228