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TARTINI Giuseppe tartini (giuseppe) (3)
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TARTINI, Giuseppe
Author: TARTINI (Giuseppe)
L 78042 Lt - cj TARTINI (Giuseppe). See CAPI (Antonio). Giuseppe Tartini. Con..un catalogo tezaatico. Milan 1945.
Card ID: 485
cs 1 ‘9 7L7;vt ?i TARTINI (Giuseppe). [Regole per ben Suonar ii iolino.Eiii1ish.] Treatise on the ornatnents of music...Translated and edited by S.Babitz. Reprinted £i’otn the Journal of research in iusic education, vol. 4, no. 2 Card ID: 482
Card ID: 482
: cj L - TARTINI (Giuseppe). [Regole per ben Suonar ii Violino. French. German. English.) Trait des agréments do la masique. Abhand— lung Uber die Verzierungen in der usik. Treatise on ornaments in inusic...Unabridged, i7ith explanatory text, an appendix, several photographic reproductions and a supplement containing a facsimile of the original Italian text...Edited by E.R.Jacobi. Tnglish translation by C.Girdlestone. pp. 139. Portrait and facsimiles. obi. fol. Celle and New York, 1961.
Card ID: 483