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TARR Sydney Albert John to (john) (5)



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    Author: TARR (Sydney Albert John)


    TARR (Sydney Albert John). Diseases of sorghum, Sudan grass and broom corn. pp. x. + 380. Bibliography, plates and illustrations. 8°. Kew, 1962. Submitted, with other publications, for the degree of D.Sc., London, 1965. [Another copy.) iL’c. -).s.1q5

    Card ID: 421

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    Author: No Author available


    \: DEPOSITQR .1. TARR (Sydney Albert John). Leaf curl disease of cotton. pp. 55. Plates, map, chart and tables. 8°. v 1951. Subsidiary paper to a thesis submitted for the gree of. London1 195Z.

    Card ID: 424

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    Author: No Author available


    UA (P.c.3.) TARR (Sydney Albert John). Diseases of fruit and vegetables in the Anglo- Egyptian (Sudan Government, Ministry of Agriculture, Bulletin, b.) pp, 111. fliustrations. 80. Khartoum, 1952. Catalogued from the vrapper. Submitted, with other publications, for the degree of D.Sc., London, 1965. [Another copy.] . 1q

    Card ID: 420

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    Author: No Author available


    UA (P.c.3.) TARR (Sydney Albert John). Virus diseases of cotton. (Cormnonwealth Mycological Institute • Miscellaneous Publication, 1&) pp. 23. Bibliography and plates. 8°. Kew, 196b. Catalogued from the wrapper. Submitted, with other publications, for the degree of D.Sc., London, 1965. [Another oopy.]1fi°S:hSc - 0

    Card ID: 425

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    Author: No Author available


    UA (P.c.3.) TARR (Sydney Albert John). The ngi and plant diseases of the Sudan. (Continued.] — A Supplementary list of Sudan fungi and plant diseases. (Connionwealth Mycologica]. Institute. rcological Papers, ö5.) pp. 31. 8°. Key, 1963. Catalogued from the wrapper. Submitted, wIth other publications, for the degree of D.Sc., London, 1965. [Another copy.] -‘t.’.s .1°4’. t?-’’ f.

    Card ID: 423