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TAPPAN Helen tappan (helen) (3)
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LOLICH, Alfred ichard and TAPPAN, Helen
Author: TAPPAN (Helen)
L’-• TAPPAN (Helen). See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. •Smiths6nian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 117. No. .15. LOEBLICH (Alfred IL) and TAPPAN (Helen). The For ii1eral genus Triplasia’Reuss, 1854, Washgton, 1952.
Card ID: 233
‘-‘-“ TAPPAN (Helen). Forarninifera from the Duck Creek formation of Oklahoma and Texas: a dissertation submitted to (the University of Chicago).,. for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy...].9L2.. •Repi’inted from the Journ1.of Paleontology, Vol. 17, No. , September, 19L.3. fwith a bibliography.J pp. LL76—517. Plates. 0 8 . 1Chicago.,l9L.3.
Card ID: 232
Author: LOLICH (Alfred ichard) and TAPPAN (Helen)
— Lc%3 LOLICH (Alfred ichard) and TAPPAN (Helen). The Ioraminit’era1. genus Triplasia Beuss, 1854. with. . .plates. WasMngon, 1952. WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institutit,n. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 117. No. 15.
Card ID: 383