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T sir waiter t ( waiter) (6)
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T, sir waiter
T, Sir Waiter
SCOTT, Sir Waiter
RALEIGH, sir waiter
FLOREY, HowaM WaIter
No Author available
Author: T (sir waiter)
l• •1 -‘ solrT (Sir Waiter), Bart. See EDINBURGH. National Gallery of Scotland. Catalogue of the Sir Walter Scott exhibition in the National Gallery of Scotland, etc. Edinburgh, 1932. Temporary Catalogue Entry
Card ID: 319
Author: T (Sir Waiter)
Sco sccirT (Sir Waiter), Bart. The Lives o the novelists. [tnaiudirg “Miss kma Seward” by Scott and “Daniel De Foe” by John Baflantyne.1 (With an introduction by G.Saintsbury. 1Leprinted.) (Everynian’s Library-, 331.> pp. xv. + 408. 8 . London, 1928.
Card ID: 207
Author: SCOTT (Sir Waiter)
SCOTT (Sir Waiter), Barb. [Ivanhoe:. — Appendix.) [For the piay by T. J. Dibdin. founded on Scott’s novel:.] See DIBDIN (Thomas John). Ivanhoe.
Card ID: 175
Author: RALEIGH (sir waiter)
RALEIGH (Sir Waiter). The Cabinet-council, containing the cheif arts of empire and mysteries of state, discabineted in political and polemical aphorisms, grounded on authority and experience, and illustrated with the choicest examples and historical observations,...Published by John Milton. pp. (8) + 199. Portrait. [D.—L.L.] 80. Printed byT. Newcomb for T. Johnson; London, 1658. The portrait is engraved by Robert Vaughan. The attribution tgRpleigh is not now consjdred to be correct. (See an articjttn the_Times LLterary Supie— wenttor Arni.l 13 1956’ - -
Card ID: 464
Author: FLOREY (HowaM WaIter)
FLOREY (HowaM WaIter),, Baron Fiprey. General patbolo’, based on lectures delivered at the Sir William Dimn School of Pathology, Uuiver8ity of Oxford. [By various authors.) Edited bySir H.Florey. Third edition. [With bibliographies.] pp. xv. + 1104. Portraits, plates, illustrations. diaraus, charts and tables. 0 . 8 . .i.Ofldpfl, wCJcw’t’i’ -——Fourth editionppv, 1259. Ports., plates and illus. - London, 1970.
Card ID: 423
Author: No Author available
I. LS-’ t, w. — STERLiNG UDR’C SCOTT (Sir Waiter), Bar. EFEIENCE O!-Y The Doom of Devorgoil: a e1o—drame. uchindrane; or, the Ayrshire tragedy. pp. (2) + 537. 8°. Edinburgh and London, 183o.
Card ID: 148