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T Mervyn John a:as john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: T (Mervyn John)


    KPK Law NEGtT (Mervyn John). See LaWRENCE (Peter) and GGI’W (Mervyn John). Gods, ghosts and men in Melanesia: some religions o Au.striian New Ginee and the New Hebrides. [By various authors.) Edited by P.Lawrence and M.J .Meggitt. 80. 1botrne, 1965.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: No Author available


    O)ORD. University of Lixford. School of (&eoraphy. Research papers. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under thèi authors.) : . 1. CHAMPION (Anthony Gerard). Variations in urban den8ities between towns of England and Wales. 1972. 2. CAMPBELL (John Alec). Some sources of the humanism c’ H.J. Fleure. f’/ (fC.i) 3. BUSTEED (Mervyn Austen). Notthern Ireland: georaphicaJ. aspects of a crisis. 1972. •t k/ 4. GOUDIE (Andrew Shaw - pt of post—glacial progreii€ desiccation 1972. [SEt NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 202