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T Jemes a:is william|k:it (william) (1)
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T, Jemes
Author: T (Jemes)
fWPN Vri WRIG!!T (Jemes), Barriter-at-1aw. The History- end antiquities Of the county of Rutlend. (A photographic reprint of the edition of 168t4, with the e&3itions Of 1687 and 171i, the two parts of William Harrod’s nev editiOn, 1788, end. Ilarrod’s edvertisenent Or l79O. With a new introduction by Jack Sion. (Second i’npress ion.) (Ciaeeicai. County Histories.) pp.xii, c22b.). hills. and folded ‘flap. East Ardeley, Wakefield, 1973.
Card ID: 250