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T Jan de a:as john|k:to (john) (3)



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    Author: T (Jan de)


    Vi’rT (Jan de). See LEFVRE—PONTALIS (A.) John de Witt., GrandPensionary of Holland; or, Twenty years of a Parliamentary Repub1i, etc. London, 1885.

    Card ID: 130

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    Author: IS (Jan)


    PRM Pet NtIS (Jan). t Appendix.) See PETER, of M1ad.o?ovice. tRelatlo de Magistro Johanne Hi’s. - English.] John Iii’s at the Council of Constance. rans1ated from the Latin and the Czech with notes and introduction by M.Spinka. [With the letters of Hi’s and relevant doc’uir)ents.] 8°. New York and London [Netherlands printed], 1965.

    Card ID: 474

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    Author: VERDENIUS (Wiilen, Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan Hendrik)


    VERDENIUS (Wiilen, Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan Hendrik). Phi.losophia antiqua, etc. [Continued.] — 22. GRAESER (Andreas). Plotjnus and the Stoics:. -a preliminary study. 1972. 23. IAMBLICHIJS, of Chalcis. [Fragments. - Greek and C-.C.AiX. English.] Iamblicbi Chalcidensis In Platonis dialogos coramentariorum fraginenta. Edited with translation and commentary by John M.Dillon. 1973. 24. TIMAELJS, locrus. [Greek and German..J De natura mundi et animae. Uberlieferung, Testimonia, Text und Ubersetzung von Waltor Marg. Editio major. 1972. 25. KONSTAN (David). Some aspects of Epicurean psychology. 1973. CSFE NZ(T CARD.]

    Card ID: 350