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T COLUMI3IA a:p 1|k:p (will) (1)



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    Author: T (COLUMI3IA)


    DEPOSITOBj ‘ WASF{I”(TOrT (COLUMI3IA). Oarneie Endcwment fc.r Inter— nat i öna2. Pc ao a. Dii3hf conomós and - Eccnornio and sccia1 bistori of the World War. Russian Series. .1 T. Shotwell, renera1 editor. Russian publio finance durnc the War, Revenue and expenditure, by A. M. Mich1son. With introduction by Count V. N. tokovzov. O’edit operaUons, by P. N. Apostol. netary policy. by M. W. T3ernatz!y. pp. xii. ÷ 461. Charts and folded tables. 80 . .i ,

    Card ID: 421